It’s not an infographic, but this is a compilation of various Facebook threads around the recent Australian Election.
What was interesting to me is the range of conversations. From pro Liberal to anti-Abbott, from not voting properly to spending a lot of time working out their exact preferences or helping others understand theirs better. I particularly liked the threads about not abusing people. Actually I hate the entire act of character assassination. Politics should be a lot more about the policies and a lot less about the people.
I admit that my feed is biased. I gravitate towards people of similar interests and values so don’t have a balanced Facebook timeline, but I doubt many people do.
Whilst I’m posting about politics I might as well put up some resources I found interesting : – How to use the Power of your Vote. For those that don’t know much about politics (especially those a bit annoyed at it) this is a good start. – A great website that visualises the various preferences of the political parties – A calculator that took the expected primary votes and worked out the outcome. – How well do the political parties stack up on digital rights? : Rupert Tweets, The Tele Repeats (Media Watch 26/08/2013) – A great section of Media Watch that explains the bias of the Murdoch press. – This is how I voted (below the line).