Lenny’s Podcast Summaries Q2 2024

I’ve downloaded a bunch of Lenny’s Podcast episodes, extracted the Subtitles from them and then asked Claude (the AI) to summarise them. These aren’t all of them, just ones that really stood out to me. Note: If anyone has any issues with this, please let me know. I love the stuff coming from Lenny’s Podcast,… Continue reading Lenny’s Podcast Summaries Q2 2024

Meditations on Moloch – Summary

Something I’m enjoying doing is using Claude (Anthropic’s equivalent to ChatGPT) to summarise podcasts, books and in this case an article I keep hearing about but never completed reading. Scott Alexander posted the Meditations on Moloch article in 2014 and the Game B community, especially people like Daniel Schmachtenberger has been talking about multi-polar traps… Continue reading Meditations on Moloch – Summary

What’s Our Problem by Tim Urban – Summary

What’s our problem? I highly recommend the Book / Audiobook of What’s Our Problem by Wait But Why’s author Tim Urban. Michael Kubler: I really liked this book and felt like the topics discussed in it are important for society to understand. Unfortunately it’s hard for me to take detailed notes when listening to the… Continue reading What’s Our Problem by Tim Urban – Summary

Podcast Episodes you should listen to – Jan 2024

I’ve been listening to a few different podcasts and here’s some of the episodes that I really enjoyed. I’ve downloaded the subtitles of these from YouTube and then asked Claude.ai (Anthropic’s equivalent to ChatGPT) to summarise them. Strategies for becoming less distracted and improving focus | Nir Eyal (author of Indistractable and Hooked) https://www.lennyspodcast.com/strategies-for-becoming-less-distracted-and-improving-focus-nir-eyal-author-of-indistractable-and/ Here… Continue reading Podcast Episodes you should listen to – Jan 2024

Transitioning to a Moneyless Society: Key Insights from Daniel Schmactenberger

I’ve been a fan of Daniel Schmachtenberger for a long time, and recently came across this video he did which really hits home the issues with our monetary based society and how we can do some work on transitioning to what would be a Post-Scarcity Society (or what I call an Abundance Based Society, ACeS).… Continue reading Transitioning to a Moneyless Society: Key Insights from Daniel Schmactenberger

Random Future Thought – Genetic Engineering means “human nature” will be different

Right now (2023) it feels like AI is the big thing. It is, it’s made a qualitative leap forward with generative AI. Both Chat GPT style text, image generation (e.g Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Dall-e) and Audio, especially speech. But there’s a phrase I hear a lot. It’s got a bunch of variations but it’s roughly… Continue reading Random Future Thought – Genetic Engineering means “human nature” will be different

Random Future Thought – You BURNED Fossil Fuels?

I think that in the future, e.g 20+ years from now, there will be people living on Mars, the Moon and in outer space. I think they will be appalled at our use of an Internal Combustion Engine. They way we blatantly just BURNED Fossil Fuels to power our transportation. They’ll be horrified, because plastics… Continue reading Random Future Thought – You BURNED Fossil Fuels?

Lenny’s Podcast – How to get press for your Podcast

I’m starting a new category in my site called #KublersCuriosity Or you can think of them as Michael’s Media Recommendations This is where I’ve listened to a Podcast episode or come across something I think is useful and I’ll want to remember the advice later on.Or would like to recommend it to someone else and… Continue reading Lenny’s Podcast – How to get press for your Podcast