Lenny’s Podcast Summaries Q2 2024

I’ve downloaded a bunch of Lenny’s Podcast episodes, extracted the Subtitles from them and then asked Claude (the AI) to summarise them. These aren’t all of them, just ones that really stood out to me. Note: If anyone has any issues with this, please let me know. I love the stuff coming from Lenny’s Podcast,… Continue reading Lenny’s Podcast Summaries Q2 2024

Meditations on Moloch – Summary

Something I’m enjoying doing is using Claude (Anthropic’s equivalent to ChatGPT) to summarise podcasts, books and in this case an article I keep hearing about but never completed reading. Scott Alexander posted the Meditations on Moloch article in 2014 and the Game B community, especially people like Daniel Schmachtenberger has been talking about multi-polar traps… Continue reading Meditations on Moloch – Summary

Random Future Thought – Genetic Engineering means “human nature” will be different

Right now (2023) it feels like AI is the big thing. It is, it’s made a qualitative leap forward with generative AI. Both Chat GPT style text, image generation (e.g Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Dall-e) and Audio, especially speech. But there’s a phrase I hear a lot. It’s got a bunch of variations but it’s roughly… Continue reading Random Future Thought – Genetic Engineering means “human nature” will be different

6th Sense + touch Grid = tactile knowledge of ship or suit or surroundings

There’s a great technology based around giving people a 6th sense.Currently it’s basically a vibrating smart watch or fitbit like device that’s connected via Bluetooth. The idea is that you can FEEL when something is happening.My thought was to connect it to the Flight Radar 24 APIs so I’d know how close by an aircraft… Continue reading 6th Sense + touch Grid = tactile knowledge of ship or suit or surroundings

Installing php-simple-kafka-lib (librdkafka version issues)

TLDR – Compile librdkafka from source Both Ubuntu 20.04 and AMI Linux 2 (effectively CentOS) have an older version of the librdkafka. My Ubuntu Vagrant VM shows v1.2.1 where as php-simple-kafka-lib shows the requirements as: php: ^7.3|^8.0ext-simple_kafka_client: >=0.1.0librdkafka: >=1.4.0 In order to install the PHP simple_kafka_client extension (using Pecl or complied from source) it needs… Continue reading Installing php-simple-kafka-lib (librdkafka version issues)