Transitioning to a Moneyless Society: Key Insights from Daniel Schmactenberger

I’ve been a fan of Daniel Schmachtenberger for a long time, and recently came across this video he did which really hits home the issues with our monetary based society and how we can do some work on transitioning to what would be a Post-Scarcity Society (or what I call an Abundance Based Society, ACeS).… Continue reading Transitioning to a Moneyless Society: Key Insights from Daniel Schmactenberger

Spiral Dynamics integral – An Introduction

Spiral Dynamics is somewhat a system of Psychometric Profiling. Think of Myers Briggs or the OCEAN model mixed with Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, but a whole order of magnitude more than that. The core idea of the model is that people focus on certain aspects of life at different stages. At the higher stages they are usually… Continue reading Spiral Dynamics integral – An Introduction

SA Power outage Blackstart in relatively plain English

One of the High Voltage Power Lines Destroyed by the Storm

On Wednesday 28 September 2016 at 4:16pm South Australia had a state wide power outage, a black start event. I, like most people were still at work and managed to continue working for a couple of hours thanks to laptop batteries and mobile phone internet. Although riding my bike home would have been crazy given the… Continue reading SA Power outage Blackstart in relatively plain English

Lets Treat Violence like a Contagious Disease

A number of years ago I watched Gary Slutkin’s TED talk on treating violence like a contagious disease and it has drastically changed the way I think about terrorist attacks, military war, police brutality, world peace and more. If you haven’t watched the presentation already I HIGHLY recommend you do. Actually the rest of the… Continue reading Lets Treat Violence like a Contagious Disease

The Wealth of Nations but not of the world

So I recently started listening to the audiobook of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. It’s an epic 36 hour long audiobook. I’ve got the physical book as well and it’s also an epic tome. But, within the intro chapter Adam Smith already makes some presuppositions or at least conclusions which irritate me.  For example… Continue reading The Wealth of Nations but not of the world

Representative Democracy can it work?

In Australia and the majority of the Western world we have a form of democracy called representative democracy.  We vote for people who represent us. Our economic system both expects and requires that people work in their own rational self-interest. The question is, how can a representative democracy work in our capitalist driven economy? We… Continue reading Representative Democracy can it work?